RECENT NEWS > The AV Group at its best!

The AV Group at its best!

The small, but perfectly formed, group of Audio-Visual enthusiasts within the Society’s wider membership provided the focus when members met on the last day of February. Their particular talents lie their ability to combine visual images with music to present images on a chosen theme in approximately five minutes or less. They did not disappoint! We were treated to a succession of highly professional, visual and auditory delights that alternately raised our spirits, appealed to our sense of humour or soothed our souls.

It was an evening in which Suzanne Ladd, Diana Walker, Janice Cuer, Jane Richardson, Jill Toman, Rex Padfield and Geoff Noad took to the stage with their skilfully arranged, and appropriately choreographed photos and music, that created unique atmospheres and displayed their many varied talents.

The soaring, inspirational architecture from around the world was well captured by Suzanne’s opening contribution, while Diana’s selection of food images ranging from colourful dynamic street food to sedate and simple English afternoon teas to strains of “The Food Song” contrasted with others that depicted rolling countryside, and walks through bluebell woods accompanied by gentle piano melodies.
Jane Richardson and Mungo Jerry’s “Summertime” took us to places all over the world visited on her holidays, whilst Rex Padfield and his fisheye lens showed us Bedford in a different light. Who knew how many celebrities were associated with town, and how could anyone not identify with the music of the Shadows’ “Riders in the Sky”? Janice Cuer’s enduring humour and eye for an oddity as always prevailed in her work, and had us chuckling once again at last summer’s antics of our own “Ladies in Newcastle” to the lyrics of The Scaffold’s “Today’s Monday”.

Geoff Noad’s portrayal of Classic Cars at Camerton to Alan Jackson’s “Drive” took many of us back to a misspent youth in 60’s sports cars and the memories of flip up headlights and unreliable indicators! His series of portraits of Jane Austen’s high society gatherings in Bath were a visual delight, awash as they were with petticoats and popinjays, waistcoats and bodices and the top hats and uniforms amidst the parasols and paramours. Jill Toman’s gentle depiction of coastal images, accompanied by the haunting pipes of “Laguna Pastoria” depicted seagulls and splashes, sandbanks and piers as well as eye catching skies and people simply enjoying the English seaside in summer. It was a soothing and soporific conclusion to the first half of what was a truly entertaining evening

Each contributor had their own style, and each created a mood or a feeling that was variously interpreted by individual members- art at its best and another indication of how varied our programme of events throughout the year can be.

The A.G.M. of the club takes place on March 7th when we will also be handing in entries for the Digital competition entitled “Abstract”.

Jenny Short 28.02.19