Our Constitution

Our Constitution


Name; The Society shall be known as the Norton Radstock Photographic society

Meetings; Meetings for members will be held weekly on Thursday evenings at 7.30pm, either at a venue or by Zoom as arranged on the programme annually. Meetings for the annually elected Committee will be held on two occasions in addition to the AGM usually in June and November

Officers; Permanent officers of the Society shall be Chairman, Vice Chairman Secretary, Treasurer and not less than four nor more than six committee members. The office of chairman and committee member will be elected annually, the secretary at two yearly intervals and the treasurer at three yearly intervals. Elections will take place at the annual general meeting (AGM), officers must be proposed and seconded by members of the society and will be elected by simple majority.

The committee has the power to appoint a Competition secretary, Publicity officer, competition selection sub committee or any other such post that may be necessary to pursue the aims of the Society.

The committee also has the power to confer on one member the Honorary appointment of Life President in recognition of meritorious work in leading the Society
Subject to the approval of club members by majority vote.

Honorary Life Membership may additionally be awarded to a very limited number of members who have demonstrated outstanding service to the Society in a role other than Chair, again subject to the approval of club members by majority vote.

Membership Subscriptions to be as follows:-

Full Member £35 per annum

Or half of the above if joining after 1st September

Weekly attendance Fee is £2 and will be increased to no more than £3 on exceptional speaker evenings at the discretion of the Secretary with the Treasurer. Visitors on any evening to be charged £3

Subscriptions to be payable after the AGM each year, fully paid before the end of April

Accounts; The treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining a complete record of the Society's accounts. This shall include a inancial statement at every Committee meeting and the presentation of the annual account for the end of the preceeding calendar year to the AGM. The Treasurer will set an annual budget at the AGM which will be subject to review and adjustment in Committee meetings

The funds of the society shall be held in a bank account, access to this account shall only be through documents bearing the signature of two of the following: Chairman, Treasurer or one other elected officer.
The programme organiser agrees a budget limit annually with Treasurer at the time of the AGM to fund payment of speakers and judges in the calendar year .

No individual member may commit NRPS funds of more than £20 without prior permission from the Treasurer. The Treasurer with reference to the Chair, shall have the authority to commit funds up to the limit of £150 in any single transaction to the running of the society. Any expenditure in excess of £150 requires the consent of the members of the society by majority vote at any ordinary or extra ordinary meeting. The Treasurer shall hold petty cash to the maximum value of £35 .

Aims and objectives; The aim of the society shall be to promote the art of photography and extend access to the subject within the local community.

The following objectives underpin that aim:

• To promote the work of the society by means of exhibitions and taking examples of the work of the society, into the community for education and entertainment.
• To arrange a full programme of events to develop interest, skill and creativity in the field of photography.
• To encourage the full and free interchange of knowledge and ideas.
• To encourage members of the public to share our pleasure in the art of photography irrespective of age, ethnic background, sexual orientation, physical or mental disability.
• To welcome and embrace innovation in the technology and art of photography

Changes to this constitution; Changes to the constitution of the Society may only be made by majority vote of those present at the AGM. An extra ordinary AGM may be arranged at the discretion of the committee.

Winding up of Society. The Society may be wound up if that is the wish of at least 75% of its members expressed in a vote at an AGM or extra ordinary AGM. All full members must be notified. If such a vote is carried, the assets of the Society, after all expenses and outstanding accounts are settled, should be sold or auctioned and money thus obtained be given to a local charity as decided by the remaining committee or a person appointed by them.