September Open Competition
Images of nature prevail!
With almost 40 entries in each of our Colour and Mono, September, Open Competitions on Thursday evening, it is clear that current members are keen to improve and feeling positive and confident about their work, but it was a marathon task for our meticulous judge, Simon Caplan, that resulted in an unusually lengthy Zoom session.
Simon is known for his personal successes in still life and abstract photography, but is well versed in the full range of genres, and before we began he clearly indicated the range of criteria against which we would be judged. These were refreshingly focused on what makes for a good photo in any arena. He was also clear that judging was not an exact science, and that the ideas he was putting forward might well be his alone. It is good to be reminded of this from time to time!
Simon has a chatty, friendly style, and a way of communicating that ensured we got good technical advice and were encouraged by his well-considered opinions highlighting the many strengths on show. Whilst generous in his appreciation, he was nevertheless a stickler for detail, and very clear in his opinion that we should “cut the clutter” . We will all spend time reflecting upon his comments on how we might improve our competition images.
He is clearly a judge who relishes the challenge, and we appreciated the hard work and time that he had put into making his final choices, which were well deserved winners. Congratulations to Diana and Pamela respectively for their 1st placed mono and colour images of the Owl and the Fox respectively- the rest of us have lots to think about, but there is no lack of evidence of continuing improvement in all taking part, and standards are rising weekly!
The Colour section was won by Pamela Bruce-Lockhart entitled “My fee is…”, with Tony Nineham’s “Nest Building” in second place, and Jill Toman’s “Blue and Yellow” in 3rd. Bill Collett, Jill Toman and Tony Nineham with another bird image were all Highly Commended, whilst Diana Walker’s two images of harvest mice were Commended as were the efforts of Jenny Short, Suzanne Ladd and Janice Cuer.
The Mono competition was won by Diana Walker with her “Long Eared Owl” with Jenny Short in second place with “Just walk on by” and Diana Walker again in 3rd with “Damsel and Raindrops”.
Graham Nicholls, Janice Cuer and Dan Clarke were Highly Commended, and , Jane Lewis, Jane Richardson, Janice Cuer, Suzanne Ladd and Tony Nineham with two were Commended.
Next week we will be looking again at the images entered for the 2020 Witcome Millenium Award, and Pamela will be engaging us in an artful play on poetic imagery!
Jenny Short 24.09.2021
Simon is known for his personal successes in still life and abstract photography, but is well versed in the full range of genres, and before we began he clearly indicated the range of criteria against which we would be judged. These were refreshingly focused on what makes for a good photo in any arena. He was also clear that judging was not an exact science, and that the ideas he was putting forward might well be his alone. It is good to be reminded of this from time to time!
Simon has a chatty, friendly style, and a way of communicating that ensured we got good technical advice and were encouraged by his well-considered opinions highlighting the many strengths on show. Whilst generous in his appreciation, he was nevertheless a stickler for detail, and very clear in his opinion that we should “cut the clutter” . We will all spend time reflecting upon his comments on how we might improve our competition images.
He is clearly a judge who relishes the challenge, and we appreciated the hard work and time that he had put into making his final choices, which were well deserved winners. Congratulations to Diana and Pamela respectively for their 1st placed mono and colour images of the Owl and the Fox respectively- the rest of us have lots to think about, but there is no lack of evidence of continuing improvement in all taking part, and standards are rising weekly!
The Colour section was won by Pamela Bruce-Lockhart entitled “My fee is…”, with Tony Nineham’s “Nest Building” in second place, and Jill Toman’s “Blue and Yellow” in 3rd. Bill Collett, Jill Toman and Tony Nineham with another bird image were all Highly Commended, whilst Diana Walker’s two images of harvest mice were Commended as were the efforts of Jenny Short, Suzanne Ladd and Janice Cuer.
The Mono competition was won by Diana Walker with her “Long Eared Owl” with Jenny Short in second place with “Just walk on by” and Diana Walker again in 3rd with “Damsel and Raindrops”.
Graham Nicholls, Janice Cuer and Dan Clarke were Highly Commended, and , Jane Lewis, Jane Richardson, Janice Cuer, Suzanne Ladd and Tony Nineham with two were Commended.
Next week we will be looking again at the images entered for the 2020 Witcome Millenium Award, and Pamela will be engaging us in an artful play on poetic imagery!
Jenny Short 24.09.2021