Graham leads a walk and we all get atmospheric!
Another week, another walk! Graham led the ladies round Priston and Timsbury extremely well, and tired himself, and them, out in the process. Thanks Graham- lots of great feedback from all who took part. They really appreciate your time and effort. Next Wednesday I propose we meet ready for the walk at 2pm at the entrance to the Odd Down Park and Ride having parked our cars and prepped our cameras. We will try and do a walk of up to 2 hours on a route near Combe Hay. Let me know if you are coming by Tuesday 6pm.
As we move towards the end of July and lockdown continues to ease, we understand from Janice that our usual venue is to reopen its doors 27th July, so I shall investigate the possibilities of opening our programme of planned meetings from September with them, and also consult members over their personal views so we can all make a decision that is acceptable and keeps the club going. Zoom Thursdays continue and we regularly get 9/10 members enthusiastically taking part. We do all need to pay our subs if we have not already done so and then Dan might be in a position to advise on whether we could subscribe to ZOOM or similar in order to sustain a virtual approach if we have to in the short term. It’s still all so very debatable but it seems there is a strong core of members determined to carry on, so thank you.
Jenny says: I found the challenge hard and realise I must think more about mood and atmosphere to improve my shots although I am OK with still life mostly. Liked the fun of guessing others and hearing their intent. Good exercise.
[b]JaneR: I enjoyed Pensive for the limited tones, the hint of a breeze, the composition and the textures. I was wondering if the horizon was 100% horizontal or is it my eye? Powerful was well capture- nice light, diagonals and very well exposed for balance. Fits the bill.Secrets is a great candid shot that suggested secretive and left out successfully.
Suzanne: Threatening certainly is! Lovely landscape with lead in lines, rule of thirds and colour. I enjoyed the social statement in the street photography of our time but was not so keen on the third one -it was a bit too grainy and bright but it made me feel a bit overwhelmed I think.
Graham: What a golden opportunity! I do think you should be careful what you wish for Nice bit of humour as usual!. The long suffering Iris has a wry smile on her face so I guess she isn’t complaining at the treat of the hot drink. Nice photo of her I like it. Your Walking Dead really brings together a host of recent challenges- lone tree, texture and form! For me it says desperate lonliness.
Jill: Misty morning says that exactly to me I love that atmosphere and black and white suits it well Shame you couldn’t magic a third swan ! Serenity captures the lovely light over the lake which is so photogenic The colour and the sky and the composition is Turneresque for me. I am assuming sad is one of your grandsons- lovely if poignant portrait Absolutely heart rending I wonder what you had done ??
Pamela: The early/late light with the bonfire is so very rural The colour is lovely, foreground detail captured and good composition and DOF You must be pleased with that one! The American Museum one is nicely focused and composed too I like the feeling of anticipation of a nice view I think. Your Separate Thoughts is an interesting idea with again good focus all through and details in foreground. I would try a letterbox format that gets rid of the sky completely and takes off some of the foreground. Ideally the pair would be further to the right with more space ahead of them than behind. Nevertheless, one to play with.
Geoff: These three are all highly styalised and it is interesting to see your Gothic side in Inevitability which is actually equal favourite for me with Elegance which I think expresses that perfectly. Happiness I am not so sure about and need it explained a bit more . I like the treatments and colour in all three.
Janice: I really admire your Lost it is SO emotionally connected to something that is increasingly many people’s experience and very close to home for you I know. Brave picture. Love is excellent I think What a great table top arrangement and so much atmosphere to meet the brief!. The street photography is interesting and I loved hearing the story of the interaction with these two. Not sure really what it says to me other than homeless but hopeful I think.
Tony: We missed you! Hope you had a good holiday!
Pamela says;
Graham. I called this golden touch but I think optimistic might have been a better title! What more can I say? Bisto. You have caught a lovely expression and sense of moment. I find the white on the man’s sleeve a bit distracting but the rest of the picture works very well. Walking dead conjures up a spooky experience, almost unreal.
Janice. I think Lost is a very powerful, poignant picture and one that could be used to help create awareness of the elderly. Everything is clear, the composition is right - absolutely brilliant, if that’s the word. Love is also so good. I like the way the objects are displayed with parts obscured. Tells a story and I want to know more. People living on the street is not an unusual sight and it is easy to become desensitised. This couple are making a statement with their writing, their arrangement of books and, of course, the dog. Placed under the sign is another message. Well done.
Jane. R. I think Powerful is a good shot because of the lovely light, and the little girl looking at the other two is really rather sad, but my favourite is Pensive. I love the composition, the position of the girl, the broken wood. I really want to know what she’s thinking.
Jenny. I think the book, glasses etc photo is so good. The orange light is strong but I think it lures you in, hinting at the drinking glass and bottle, but also highlighting the book and glasses. It makes me want to know if the reader has gone to bed, taken off the glasses to think, or even to rub tired eyes. Fun does suggest fun and a sense of freedom. I like the red skirt and motion in the shoe. The colours in Tranquility are lovely. To me there is a hint of sadness here but that could be because the colour reminds of something a bit sad.
Geoff. Elegance - well it really is elegant and I can see this photo gracing the cover of Vogue. Not sure how you did it but a lovely angle. Death is another strong image with an even stronger message. Again I don’t know how you did it - but then I never do know how you do things. Elegance and death together are a good conversation piece. Next dinner party.
Suzanne. Threatening is the right caption. Great sky and interesting lines. No 3 has rather too much white in it for me but I think the black clouds are ominous. Patience is one for your social history book; a vivid reminder of life today. It really tells more than queuing if you consider they are waiting to go into the Halifax - perhaps hard times and well as strange social times.
Jill. Sad. All the world on his little sad shoulders. Really touching. I like no 3 with its mist and intrigue, very atmospheric. Serenity really is serene. Stunning scenery, excellent reflection and beautifully composed.
Suzanne says:
GRAHAM: AHH BISTO– is a great title as whatever she is drinking obviously hit the right spot! Such a great capture of expression which for me conveys happiness. A warming drink on a probably very chilly night makes for a warming street picture which is my favourite of yours this week. Now to NO 3 – you can never deny it as you are captured clearly on an observer’s camera! Having fun and being naughty are words that come to mind. WAKING DEAD - Good composition/example of an eerie atmosphere. It looks as if horrible birds/ creatures are at the tip of the dead branches; poised to spring into life and attack. Scary!
PAMELA: 1. SEPARATE THOUGHTS-2. BONFIRE IN THE GARDEN- AND NO 3 Three lovely pictures each having good composition, use of thirds, lead in lines etc, but... What I love most, is the minimal use of sky in every one. Great colour rendition and the portrayal of different moods come across well. 1. I wonder what those thoughts were. Were they actually both there on that day? 2. I can smell the smoke; appreciate the evening glow and slanting light piercing the sheep. All is well with the world in this scene – contentment is what I would feel. Then, real life kicks in. I am sure it will glow again. 3. For a minute or two, jealousy sprang into my mind! Why can’t my garden be like that? Harmony I feel as it invites us to stop for a peaceful moment or two. Sit and enjoy what’s around us – simple pleasures. I would not crop or alter any of these scenes but if you return to this scene with a hat on, or a book in your bag or anything interesting (!) -try popping it on a seat!
JENNY: FUN- and that is exactly what the expression tells us on this little girl’s face she is experiencing. A great, natural capture. I like the position and movement and whether it was a grab shot or organised candid it works for me. TRANQUILITY – I love the sharpness, dark background and the bold shape of the flower which is positioned well in the frame. NO.3 End of the day, tiredness and pause for thought or reflection, all of these come to mind when I look into your picture. Great lead in line, lovely candle lighting and shadows for extra impact. Spectacles positioned well. As you know, tabletop is not my thing so ignore this comment if you know better. I wonder if you need both bottle and glass to tell your story - (sorry!) It’s the “three” thing. Discounting the book, which I look upon as a fixed base for the extra items, the removal of the glass and a slight shuffle of the bottle making three items might be more pleasing to the eye. A great picture though. I am going to try some candlelight pics as they are quite atmospheric.
JILL: SAD – well he certainly is. A good capture to remind us what life with children is like. Not all smiles! I love it and the momentarily sad little boy. SERENITY- with its reflections of the sky on a lovely day is what your picture makes me feel. A strong lead in line with an interesting line of mini clouds/mist on the horizon makes for a great composition. NO3. Another time of day for a lake picture, moody mist which makes for a great b/w scene. I like the four layers of this landscape especially those swans in the foreground mist. Calming.
JANICE: LOVE- a sharp, beautifully composed little image which certainly portrays the title word –love. LOST – This picture says it all - sadness and lots more emotions too. I am sure we all know of, or have someone in our family suffering from the condition this lovely old lady probably has. Her eyes say it all. A very thought provoking image, so bravely and so well taken too. NO3. Another thought provoking picture, this time in the street. Love the lead in lines, the naturalness of their hand movements plus the way they have their life spread out on the pavement. Good connection between you and your subjects I feel. Great work Janice.
JANE R: POWERFUL, PENSIVE and NO 3 – I like your pictures, my favourite- (I think)- is Pensive as I just love the lone figure staring out ; your title is apt and makes me wonder what she is pensive about. Positioning is good and I like the angle from which you took it. Also, I like the subdued colours which suit the title and peering through the wooden framework adds to it. POWERFUL, yes that wave certainly is. A good lead in line but the main interest is going out of the picture. Maybe next time try getting the wave coming into the picture instead of leaping out. NO3 -I like this image and the letterbox effect which suits it. That younger girl on the right certainly steals the image which is what your picture is about I feel. Abandoned, let me join in, I’m bored, don’t forget me...! Well spotted and a good composition.
Janice says:
Graham, as always, your humour has shone through in picture 3. It would make an excellent ‘caption picture’. Nice shot of Iris. She obviously needed warming up. I like the way the background sets the scene. What an interesting tree in The Walking Dead. Quite eerie really, like a scene from a destruction/end of the world movie.
Pamela, lovely colours and scenery in Separate Thoughts. The spacing of the people does suggest separation but they may just be socially distancing. Bonfire In The Garden is gorgeous and I would have that printed and framed on my wall. The light and composition is superb. Image 3 is thought provoking. Why are the chairs vacant? Again, a very good composition of a lovely garden.
Jane R, Powerful shows the force of nature and the diagonal works well. Your untitled image makes me feel sad for the young girl. She is being left out which emphasises the generation gap. My favourite is Pensive and I’m wondering what she is thinking! The structure frames the image well and the broken section is perfectly positioned.
Jenny, great timing in Fun capturing the energy of youth. You excel at still life and your third image is another great example. It suggests the end of the day and a time to relax. The composition is good and I like the way the lighting highlights the glass.
Geoff, Elegance certainly is and I like the diagonal flow through the image. I like the irony of Happiness, the main character looks anything but. Initially I thought No. 3 was disturbing but on reflection it’s saying life is fragile and death is inevitable.
Suzanne, I like the drama in the sky and the composition in Threatening. What a good lead in from the path. Patience is very topical and works well in mono and will sum up 2020 for sure. I Feel has a surreal feel to it. It suggests something dramatic has occurred and this is the aftermath.
Jill, Serenity has nice reflections, calm and peaceful. When I look at Sad it makes me think oh bless him, he’s properly upset, real tears. Hopefully he recovered quickly. No. 3 is very atmospheric. The image works well in mono and the swans are perfectly placed.
As we move towards the end of July and lockdown continues to ease, we understand from Janice that our usual venue is to reopen its doors 27th July, so I shall investigate the possibilities of opening our programme of planned meetings from September with them, and also consult members over their personal views so we can all make a decision that is acceptable and keeps the club going. Zoom Thursdays continue and we regularly get 9/10 members enthusiastically taking part. We do all need to pay our subs if we have not already done so and then Dan might be in a position to advise on whether we could subscribe to ZOOM or similar in order to sustain a virtual approach if we have to in the short term. It’s still all so very debatable but it seems there is a strong core of members determined to carry on, so thank you.
Jenny says: I found the challenge hard and realise I must think more about mood and atmosphere to improve my shots although I am OK with still life mostly. Liked the fun of guessing others and hearing their intent. Good exercise.
[b]JaneR: I enjoyed Pensive for the limited tones, the hint of a breeze, the composition and the textures. I was wondering if the horizon was 100% horizontal or is it my eye? Powerful was well capture- nice light, diagonals and very well exposed for balance. Fits the bill.Secrets is a great candid shot that suggested secretive and left out successfully.
Suzanne: Threatening certainly is! Lovely landscape with lead in lines, rule of thirds and colour. I enjoyed the social statement in the street photography of our time but was not so keen on the third one -it was a bit too grainy and bright but it made me feel a bit overwhelmed I think.
Graham: What a golden opportunity! I do think you should be careful what you wish for Nice bit of humour as usual!. The long suffering Iris has a wry smile on her face so I guess she isn’t complaining at the treat of the hot drink. Nice photo of her I like it. Your Walking Dead really brings together a host of recent challenges- lone tree, texture and form! For me it says desperate lonliness.
Jill: Misty morning says that exactly to me I love that atmosphere and black and white suits it well Shame you couldn’t magic a third swan ! Serenity captures the lovely light over the lake which is so photogenic The colour and the sky and the composition is Turneresque for me. I am assuming sad is one of your grandsons- lovely if poignant portrait Absolutely heart rending I wonder what you had done ??
Pamela: The early/late light with the bonfire is so very rural The colour is lovely, foreground detail captured and good composition and DOF You must be pleased with that one! The American Museum one is nicely focused and composed too I like the feeling of anticipation of a nice view I think. Your Separate Thoughts is an interesting idea with again good focus all through and details in foreground. I would try a letterbox format that gets rid of the sky completely and takes off some of the foreground. Ideally the pair would be further to the right with more space ahead of them than behind. Nevertheless, one to play with.
Geoff: These three are all highly styalised and it is interesting to see your Gothic side in Inevitability which is actually equal favourite for me with Elegance which I think expresses that perfectly. Happiness I am not so sure about and need it explained a bit more . I like the treatments and colour in all three.
Janice: I really admire your Lost it is SO emotionally connected to something that is increasingly many people’s experience and very close to home for you I know. Brave picture. Love is excellent I think What a great table top arrangement and so much atmosphere to meet the brief!. The street photography is interesting and I loved hearing the story of the interaction with these two. Not sure really what it says to me other than homeless but hopeful I think.
Tony: We missed you! Hope you had a good holiday!
Pamela says;
Graham. I called this golden touch but I think optimistic might have been a better title! What more can I say? Bisto. You have caught a lovely expression and sense of moment. I find the white on the man’s sleeve a bit distracting but the rest of the picture works very well. Walking dead conjures up a spooky experience, almost unreal.
Janice. I think Lost is a very powerful, poignant picture and one that could be used to help create awareness of the elderly. Everything is clear, the composition is right - absolutely brilliant, if that’s the word. Love is also so good. I like the way the objects are displayed with parts obscured. Tells a story and I want to know more. People living on the street is not an unusual sight and it is easy to become desensitised. This couple are making a statement with their writing, their arrangement of books and, of course, the dog. Placed under the sign is another message. Well done.
Jane. R. I think Powerful is a good shot because of the lovely light, and the little girl looking at the other two is really rather sad, but my favourite is Pensive. I love the composition, the position of the girl, the broken wood. I really want to know what she’s thinking.
Jenny. I think the book, glasses etc photo is so good. The orange light is strong but I think it lures you in, hinting at the drinking glass and bottle, but also highlighting the book and glasses. It makes me want to know if the reader has gone to bed, taken off the glasses to think, or even to rub tired eyes. Fun does suggest fun and a sense of freedom. I like the red skirt and motion in the shoe. The colours in Tranquility are lovely. To me there is a hint of sadness here but that could be because the colour reminds of something a bit sad.
Geoff. Elegance - well it really is elegant and I can see this photo gracing the cover of Vogue. Not sure how you did it but a lovely angle. Death is another strong image with an even stronger message. Again I don’t know how you did it - but then I never do know how you do things. Elegance and death together are a good conversation piece. Next dinner party.
Suzanne. Threatening is the right caption. Great sky and interesting lines. No 3 has rather too much white in it for me but I think the black clouds are ominous. Patience is one for your social history book; a vivid reminder of life today. It really tells more than queuing if you consider they are waiting to go into the Halifax - perhaps hard times and well as strange social times.
Jill. Sad. All the world on his little sad shoulders. Really touching. I like no 3 with its mist and intrigue, very atmospheric. Serenity really is serene. Stunning scenery, excellent reflection and beautifully composed.
Suzanne says:
GRAHAM: AHH BISTO– is a great title as whatever she is drinking obviously hit the right spot! Such a great capture of expression which for me conveys happiness. A warming drink on a probably very chilly night makes for a warming street picture which is my favourite of yours this week. Now to NO 3 – you can never deny it as you are captured clearly on an observer’s camera! Having fun and being naughty are words that come to mind. WAKING DEAD - Good composition/example of an eerie atmosphere. It looks as if horrible birds/ creatures are at the tip of the dead branches; poised to spring into life and attack. Scary!
PAMELA: 1. SEPARATE THOUGHTS-2. BONFIRE IN THE GARDEN- AND NO 3 Three lovely pictures each having good composition, use of thirds, lead in lines etc, but... What I love most, is the minimal use of sky in every one. Great colour rendition and the portrayal of different moods come across well. 1. I wonder what those thoughts were. Were they actually both there on that day? 2. I can smell the smoke; appreciate the evening glow and slanting light piercing the sheep. All is well with the world in this scene – contentment is what I would feel. Then, real life kicks in. I am sure it will glow again. 3. For a minute or two, jealousy sprang into my mind! Why can’t my garden be like that? Harmony I feel as it invites us to stop for a peaceful moment or two. Sit and enjoy what’s around us – simple pleasures. I would not crop or alter any of these scenes but if you return to this scene with a hat on, or a book in your bag or anything interesting (!) -try popping it on a seat!
JENNY: FUN- and that is exactly what the expression tells us on this little girl’s face she is experiencing. A great, natural capture. I like the position and movement and whether it was a grab shot or organised candid it works for me. TRANQUILITY – I love the sharpness, dark background and the bold shape of the flower which is positioned well in the frame. NO.3 End of the day, tiredness and pause for thought or reflection, all of these come to mind when I look into your picture. Great lead in line, lovely candle lighting and shadows for extra impact. Spectacles positioned well. As you know, tabletop is not my thing so ignore this comment if you know better. I wonder if you need both bottle and glass to tell your story - (sorry!) It’s the “three” thing. Discounting the book, which I look upon as a fixed base for the extra items, the removal of the glass and a slight shuffle of the bottle making three items might be more pleasing to the eye. A great picture though. I am going to try some candlelight pics as they are quite atmospheric.
JILL: SAD – well he certainly is. A good capture to remind us what life with children is like. Not all smiles! I love it and the momentarily sad little boy. SERENITY- with its reflections of the sky on a lovely day is what your picture makes me feel. A strong lead in line with an interesting line of mini clouds/mist on the horizon makes for a great composition. NO3. Another time of day for a lake picture, moody mist which makes for a great b/w scene. I like the four layers of this landscape especially those swans in the foreground mist. Calming.
JANICE: LOVE- a sharp, beautifully composed little image which certainly portrays the title word –love. LOST – This picture says it all - sadness and lots more emotions too. I am sure we all know of, or have someone in our family suffering from the condition this lovely old lady probably has. Her eyes say it all. A very thought provoking image, so bravely and so well taken too. NO3. Another thought provoking picture, this time in the street. Love the lead in lines, the naturalness of their hand movements plus the way they have their life spread out on the pavement. Good connection between you and your subjects I feel. Great work Janice.
JANE R: POWERFUL, PENSIVE and NO 3 – I like your pictures, my favourite- (I think)- is Pensive as I just love the lone figure staring out ; your title is apt and makes me wonder what she is pensive about. Positioning is good and I like the angle from which you took it. Also, I like the subdued colours which suit the title and peering through the wooden framework adds to it. POWERFUL, yes that wave certainly is. A good lead in line but the main interest is going out of the picture. Maybe next time try getting the wave coming into the picture instead of leaping out. NO3 -I like this image and the letterbox effect which suits it. That younger girl on the right certainly steals the image which is what your picture is about I feel. Abandoned, let me join in, I’m bored, don’t forget me...! Well spotted and a good composition.
Janice says:
Graham, as always, your humour has shone through in picture 3. It would make an excellent ‘caption picture’. Nice shot of Iris. She obviously needed warming up. I like the way the background sets the scene. What an interesting tree in The Walking Dead. Quite eerie really, like a scene from a destruction/end of the world movie.
Pamela, lovely colours and scenery in Separate Thoughts. The spacing of the people does suggest separation but they may just be socially distancing. Bonfire In The Garden is gorgeous and I would have that printed and framed on my wall. The light and composition is superb. Image 3 is thought provoking. Why are the chairs vacant? Again, a very good composition of a lovely garden.
Jane R, Powerful shows the force of nature and the diagonal works well. Your untitled image makes me feel sad for the young girl. She is being left out which emphasises the generation gap. My favourite is Pensive and I’m wondering what she is thinking! The structure frames the image well and the broken section is perfectly positioned.
Jenny, great timing in Fun capturing the energy of youth. You excel at still life and your third image is another great example. It suggests the end of the day and a time to relax. The composition is good and I like the way the lighting highlights the glass.
Geoff, Elegance certainly is and I like the diagonal flow through the image. I like the irony of Happiness, the main character looks anything but. Initially I thought No. 3 was disturbing but on reflection it’s saying life is fragile and death is inevitable.
Suzanne, I like the drama in the sky and the composition in Threatening. What a good lead in from the path. Patience is very topical and works well in mono and will sum up 2020 for sure. I Feel has a surreal feel to it. It suggests something dramatic has occurred and this is the aftermath.
Jill, Serenity has nice reflections, calm and peaceful. When I look at Sad it makes me think oh bless him, he’s properly upset, real tears. Hopefully he recovered quickly. No. 3 is very atmospheric. The image works well in mono and the swans are perfectly placed.