Time is Passing
POY 2022 announced
A thoroughly pleasant evening!
It was that time of the year again as we gathered to hear the results of Picture of the Year 2022 ! Although our judge, Mike Dales, could not be with us in person, he provided high quality feedback to those gaining top three places in each of the four categories, and this was faithfully communicated to us all by Jill Toman. Jane Richardson organised a very pleasant evening around the entries, encouraging all who entered to talk about their images and invited others to critique, giving us overall a highly sociable and fruitful evening. Missing our catering expert Lou Scholes, victim of a nasty slip on ice in the week, we nevertheless enjoyed the usual cake sent in by her, and we wish her a speedy recovery from concussion and whiplash.
Members had really rallied and made a huge effort to get prints taken and mounted after a long period of Covid related restrictions had limited our competition work to digital. It was a great opportunity to return to a bit of normality , and there was large range of photographic skills on display.
In People and Portraits Graham Nicholls’ “Little and Large” rugby players took third place, Jill Toman’s “Twins in Bluebells” came second and Jenny Short’s portrait of her long suffering husband entitled “Time is Passing” was the winner. The judge was very complimentary about the mono image and felt it was “an image to explore and understand.”
The Landscapes section was unsurprisingly won again by Jill Toman with “Church of St Thomas, Slovenia” described as a “Masterful and technically adept image….simple but evocative.” Bill Collett was awarded second place in absentia for his urban “Battersea” and Jenny Short was in third place with her “Sunrise over Snowdonia”.
There is always keen competition between certain members in the section and Graham Nicholls was awarded third place for another rugby shot entitled “Coming Through”. Jenny Short’s “Riding the Wave” surfing shot took second place but both were pipped at the post by Suzanne Ladd’s “Pony Race” which ensured that viewers were transported” right to the centre of the action” at last year’s the Mendip Young Farmers’ Point to Point.
The fourth section “Other” is always a tough one to judge, as it represents a wide range of subject matter. Jenny Short had more success with “An Old Flame” in third place, whilst Graham Nicholls’ masterly still life “Two Gourds and a Jug”, taken at a recent practical evening was placed second. Suzanne Ladd was the winner of the section with her abstract image “Fiery Wood” described by Mike as “a very atmospheric and beautifully rendered image.”
I was genuinely surprised but very pleased to be awarded the overall win in Picture of the Year 2022 with the mono portrait “Time is Passing”- all that work trying to perfect rim lighting has paid off, and I thank the judge for all his hard work and excellent judgements!!!
Top three images in each section need to be sent digitally to me asap for inclusion in the POY 22 gallery, but these mounted prints need to be retained , as we will be displaying them at the Annual Awards Dinner in March. janr Richardson will be asking for them nearer the time.
Jenny Short 20. 01.2023
Members had really rallied and made a huge effort to get prints taken and mounted after a long period of Covid related restrictions had limited our competition work to digital. It was a great opportunity to return to a bit of normality , and there was large range of photographic skills on display.
In People and Portraits Graham Nicholls’ “Little and Large” rugby players took third place, Jill Toman’s “Twins in Bluebells” came second and Jenny Short’s portrait of her long suffering husband entitled “Time is Passing” was the winner. The judge was very complimentary about the mono image and felt it was “an image to explore and understand.”
The Landscapes section was unsurprisingly won again by Jill Toman with “Church of St Thomas, Slovenia” described as a “Masterful and technically adept image….simple but evocative.” Bill Collett was awarded second place in absentia for his urban “Battersea” and Jenny Short was in third place with her “Sunrise over Snowdonia”.
There is always keen competition between certain members in the section and Graham Nicholls was awarded third place for another rugby shot entitled “Coming Through”. Jenny Short’s “Riding the Wave” surfing shot took second place but both were pipped at the post by Suzanne Ladd’s “Pony Race” which ensured that viewers were transported” right to the centre of the action” at last year’s the Mendip Young Farmers’ Point to Point.
The fourth section “Other” is always a tough one to judge, as it represents a wide range of subject matter. Jenny Short had more success with “An Old Flame” in third place, whilst Graham Nicholls’ masterly still life “Two Gourds and a Jug”, taken at a recent practical evening was placed second. Suzanne Ladd was the winner of the section with her abstract image “Fiery Wood” described by Mike as “a very atmospheric and beautifully rendered image.”
I was genuinely surprised but very pleased to be awarded the overall win in Picture of the Year 2022 with the mono portrait “Time is Passing”- all that work trying to perfect rim lighting has paid off, and I thank the judge for all his hard work and excellent judgements!!!
Top three images in each section need to be sent digitally to me asap for inclusion in the POY 22 gallery, but these mounted prints need to be retained , as we will be displaying them at the Annual Awards Dinner in March. janr Richardson will be asking for them nearer the time.
Jenny Short 20. 01.2023