Gorilla from Rwanda Pamela Bruce Lockhart
Intentional Camera Movement and Gorillas in the mist!
Pamela on a mission !
Much travelled Pamela Bruce-Lockhart joined NRPS some three to four years ago, since when she has been quietly establishing herself as a very competent photographer in a wide range of genres. She has often brought the flavour of other countries to her work, but because of the Covid Pandemic, her travel wings have been severely clipped of late, and she has instead, concentrated, very successfully, on developing the ability to create striking abstracts from her more immediate surroundings. As an ardent lover of all four-legged creatures, and one who, by her own admission even “helps worms cross wet roads”, she often photographs animals, and on our frequent walks can never be kept away from dogs and horses!
Pamela’s evening on Thursday was an absolute delight, filled as it was with vibrant images from places near and far, captured by an increasingly artistic and creative eye, presented with bags of enthusiasm and a wry humour that held the attention of the largest gathering yet of members old and new since Lockdown.
In the first half of the evening we were transported from the sweeping landscapes of the bays of the Cornish and Devon coastlines, to the warm glow of the architecture of Cardiff by night. Mixing pure record shots in genres with which she was less familiar, with artistic and creative images using a variety of Intentional Camera Movement techniques, Pamela zoomed and twisted her way through woods and byways using the trees and streams of the British autumn landscape as her canvas. The gondolas in Venice got the same treatment, as her erstwhile largely unknown, love of the opera, drew her there. There is much for us all to learn from these!
The catering skills of Louise Scholes filled our break, and anyone who has not tasted her wares at The Hive in Shepton Mallet is missing a trick! Then in the second half of our evening, Pamela resumed her presentation by briefly giving us an introduction to the sad history of Rwanda. She faithfully recounted the genocide of the 90s in which a million people died in one hundred days, and the subsequent efforts of the now leader to resurrect this beautiful, land locked country, that many of us had great difficulty locating in the middle of the African map she provided.
Determined, as she was, to resume her explorations of far away places, Pamela finally got herself on a lone holiday in Rwanda, the “country of a thousand hills”, and home to the families of Gorillas she planned to photograph. She began with a stay in the capital city of Kigali, a surprisingly clean and modern place with a rapidly expanding population, dedicated to promoting tourism and equality of opportunity for its women and a quality education for its children. Here, to our amazement, she explored the architecture of its modern streets and lesser known markets, home of African Street Art, by motorbike taxi! Pamela’s enthusiasm and energy certainly impressed her guide who, probably exhausted, handed her over for a five-day trek into the mountains and volcanoes in search of Gorillas and Golden Monkeys. Her photos of the close encounters with the magnificent beasts that share 98% of human DNA, and are distinguishable by their nose, as apposed to fingerprints, were spectacular, and her humorous tales of an expedition that was both physically demanding and mentally challenging, with its collapsing rock piles and giant nettle beds, kept us well entertained! This was an evening we shall all remember as we approach our Christmas break, and Pamela was warmly thanked for her presentation. Next week we meet in Bath for the Light Trail, which is really just an excuse for some Christmas cheer. It’s been a great season so far!
Jenny Short 02. 12.2022
Members wanting a Christmas meet up are invited to the Chair's Evening in Bath Thursday 15th December
Meet me at the Odd Down Park and Ride at 5pm or in Bath Centre texting me on 07782256322 when you want to find us!
We will follow the light trail down Milsom Street and head towards the station for some festive cheer before leaving and the Christmas break.
Pamela’s evening on Thursday was an absolute delight, filled as it was with vibrant images from places near and far, captured by an increasingly artistic and creative eye, presented with bags of enthusiasm and a wry humour that held the attention of the largest gathering yet of members old and new since Lockdown.
In the first half of the evening we were transported from the sweeping landscapes of the bays of the Cornish and Devon coastlines, to the warm glow of the architecture of Cardiff by night. Mixing pure record shots in genres with which she was less familiar, with artistic and creative images using a variety of Intentional Camera Movement techniques, Pamela zoomed and twisted her way through woods and byways using the trees and streams of the British autumn landscape as her canvas. The gondolas in Venice got the same treatment, as her erstwhile largely unknown, love of the opera, drew her there. There is much for us all to learn from these!
The catering skills of Louise Scholes filled our break, and anyone who has not tasted her wares at The Hive in Shepton Mallet is missing a trick! Then in the second half of our evening, Pamela resumed her presentation by briefly giving us an introduction to the sad history of Rwanda. She faithfully recounted the genocide of the 90s in which a million people died in one hundred days, and the subsequent efforts of the now leader to resurrect this beautiful, land locked country, that many of us had great difficulty locating in the middle of the African map she provided.
Determined, as she was, to resume her explorations of far away places, Pamela finally got herself on a lone holiday in Rwanda, the “country of a thousand hills”, and home to the families of Gorillas she planned to photograph. She began with a stay in the capital city of Kigali, a surprisingly clean and modern place with a rapidly expanding population, dedicated to promoting tourism and equality of opportunity for its women and a quality education for its children. Here, to our amazement, she explored the architecture of its modern streets and lesser known markets, home of African Street Art, by motorbike taxi! Pamela’s enthusiasm and energy certainly impressed her guide who, probably exhausted, handed her over for a five-day trek into the mountains and volcanoes in search of Gorillas and Golden Monkeys. Her photos of the close encounters with the magnificent beasts that share 98% of human DNA, and are distinguishable by their nose, as apposed to fingerprints, were spectacular, and her humorous tales of an expedition that was both physically demanding and mentally challenging, with its collapsing rock piles and giant nettle beds, kept us well entertained! This was an evening we shall all remember as we approach our Christmas break, and Pamela was warmly thanked for her presentation. Next week we meet in Bath for the Light Trail, which is really just an excuse for some Christmas cheer. It’s been a great season so far!
Jenny Short 02. 12.2022
Members wanting a Christmas meet up are invited to the Chair's Evening in Bath Thursday 15th December
Meet me at the Odd Down Park and Ride at 5pm or in Bath Centre texting me on 07782256322 when you want to find us!
We will follow the light trail down Milsom Street and head towards the station for some festive cheer before leaving and the Christmas break.