The Peps Ventosa technique.
Practical workshop- Table Top Photography.
Jenny pushes people out of their comfort zones!
A number of members that still needed to show their work from the summer break got the chance to do so on Thursday in the first half of the second evening at our new venue, the Masonic Hall at Midsomer Norton. They did not disappoint, and it was good to be able to give feedback and commentary in such a sociable manner face to face.
Thanks to Louise Scholes, Iris Nicholls and Gill Pitman, home-made cakes were available to accompany the teas and coffees at the interval (what a bonus!), and members were well refreshed by the start of the second half of the evening. This was a practical session on table top photography, led by Chairperson, Jenny Short.
After a short introduction that illustrated how easy it is to set up simple photographic studios at home with minimal equipment and a modicum of DIY, members were invited to sample the set ups provided around the room, and to enjoy the opportunity to learn new skills.
This is always a popular event early in the Autumn, and as usual, those for whom Table Top techniques feature lowly in their daily priority list, it proved a great opportunity to move out of comfort zones and into the realms of the possible, albeit with a little guidance and a few suggestions from those for whom the genre is more the norm.
Members moved from simple still life arrangements to more complex exposures for glassware, and thence to opportunities for long and multiple exposures with moving backgrounds and a variety of lighting options. There was a mass of subject matter with which to experiment- toy autos, reflective surfaces, as well as dried and fresh flowers and a range of marbles and dice, keys and coins. There was much to occupy the photographic mind, and the creative juices flowed readily before, all too soon, it was time to pack up and go.
It is fair to say, that as a result of the evening, many explored the nether reaches of their camera menus and discovered hitherto unused aspects that will stand them in good stead in future competitions. It is also true to say that many will look again at discarded boxes and oddments at home that might be transformed into a lightbox or a flat lay pad with a bit of tape and some baking parchment! Crocodile clips, mini tripods and masking tape all have their place in the hands of members, and it will be interesting to see what they come up with as a result of the evening’s antics.
Next week Bill Collett leads the evening using Zoom, and members are reminded to submit their entries for the October Triptych Competition to Secretary , Jill Toman by Thursday at the latest. It is certainly an active season- why not come along and join us for lots more fun?
Jenny Short 29. 09.2022
Thanks to Louise Scholes, Iris Nicholls and Gill Pitman, home-made cakes were available to accompany the teas and coffees at the interval (what a bonus!), and members were well refreshed by the start of the second half of the evening. This was a practical session on table top photography, led by Chairperson, Jenny Short.
After a short introduction that illustrated how easy it is to set up simple photographic studios at home with minimal equipment and a modicum of DIY, members were invited to sample the set ups provided around the room, and to enjoy the opportunity to learn new skills.
This is always a popular event early in the Autumn, and as usual, those for whom Table Top techniques feature lowly in their daily priority list, it proved a great opportunity to move out of comfort zones and into the realms of the possible, albeit with a little guidance and a few suggestions from those for whom the genre is more the norm.
Members moved from simple still life arrangements to more complex exposures for glassware, and thence to opportunities for long and multiple exposures with moving backgrounds and a variety of lighting options. There was a mass of subject matter with which to experiment- toy autos, reflective surfaces, as well as dried and fresh flowers and a range of marbles and dice, keys and coins. There was much to occupy the photographic mind, and the creative juices flowed readily before, all too soon, it was time to pack up and go.
It is fair to say, that as a result of the evening, many explored the nether reaches of their camera menus and discovered hitherto unused aspects that will stand them in good stead in future competitions. It is also true to say that many will look again at discarded boxes and oddments at home that might be transformed into a lightbox or a flat lay pad with a bit of tape and some baking parchment! Crocodile clips, mini tripods and masking tape all have their place in the hands of members, and it will be interesting to see what they come up with as a result of the evening’s antics.
Next week Bill Collett leads the evening using Zoom, and members are reminded to submit their entries for the October Triptych Competition to Secretary , Jill Toman by Thursday at the latest. It is certainly an active season- why not come along and join us for lots more fun?
Jenny Short 29. 09.2022