"Panel from the Skatepark" Jenny Short November 2021
Sports, Camera, Action !
A wealth of sporting opportunities to capture on offer with tips!
As Chair, I was filling a gap in our programme on Thursday, and decided to host an evening of Sports/Action Photography, since that has been an enduring passion of mine for many years. Members gathered in force on Zoom, and we even had a prospective new member online too, looking to see if joining our club might be for him.
I took members on a journey with me to discover replacement subjects for my loss of opportunity to take photos at Taunton County Ground, due to the crowds and the Pandemic. Subjects abound, and whilst my knowledge of horses is severely limited, motivation to photograph dressage is provided by a very talented daughter who competes, and is very clear about what makes a good photo in this context! Other sports and activities I have taken to exploring include rugby, motocross, surfing and skateparks, where the community spirit and range of characters that frequent the events, provide a wealth of material beyond the obvious antics. I love the portraits and environmental details akin to street photography, another of my passions, that are there in abundance, and return time and again to interact. Additionally, I now regularly enjoy taking photos for Paulton Rovers FC 1st XI, faithfully recording their various fortunes pitchside at home games.
I tried to develop in others an understanding of the techniques and preferences that I have come to apply over the years, but also invited members to submit to me in advance up to five photos taken by themselves that portrayed action of their choice, and to submit a further image that was a panel of between three and six images, building on the practical session I led some weeks ago. Then, on the evening itself, they were invited to talk about their photos and panels, whilst others gave feedback on the efforts on display that encouraged and supported the development. Potential new member, Chris, had expressed a need as a beginner to be helped in his pursuit of a new hobby. I hope that we gave him a flavour of what we can do!
On Tuesday 30th we have been invited to join Warminster C.C. Zoom when nature Photographer, David Boag will be encouraging more creativity in wildlife photography, and then next Thursday 2nd December, our own evening features a talk by Jeremy Richards entitled “Chile, Middle to Bottom” We truly are spoilt as we approach the festive season. Our NRPS Website suggestion section is full of ideas for attending local events and practising our skills. Let’s hope the Glastonbury Frost Fair on Saturday 27th is not disrupted by snow !
Jenny Short 26.11.2021
There is a Gallery of images on panels associated with this article now online.
The Whats App Walks R Us group is up and running and next week on Wednesday 1st December we are meeting at Odd Down P and R at 12.30, weather permitting, to be guided by Suzanne and Pamela round canals and cemetary! Check it out .
I took members on a journey with me to discover replacement subjects for my loss of opportunity to take photos at Taunton County Ground, due to the crowds and the Pandemic. Subjects abound, and whilst my knowledge of horses is severely limited, motivation to photograph dressage is provided by a very talented daughter who competes, and is very clear about what makes a good photo in this context! Other sports and activities I have taken to exploring include rugby, motocross, surfing and skateparks, where the community spirit and range of characters that frequent the events, provide a wealth of material beyond the obvious antics. I love the portraits and environmental details akin to street photography, another of my passions, that are there in abundance, and return time and again to interact. Additionally, I now regularly enjoy taking photos for Paulton Rovers FC 1st XI, faithfully recording their various fortunes pitchside at home games.
I tried to develop in others an understanding of the techniques and preferences that I have come to apply over the years, but also invited members to submit to me in advance up to five photos taken by themselves that portrayed action of their choice, and to submit a further image that was a panel of between three and six images, building on the practical session I led some weeks ago. Then, on the evening itself, they were invited to talk about their photos and panels, whilst others gave feedback on the efforts on display that encouraged and supported the development. Potential new member, Chris, had expressed a need as a beginner to be helped in his pursuit of a new hobby. I hope that we gave him a flavour of what we can do!
On Tuesday 30th we have been invited to join Warminster C.C. Zoom when nature Photographer, David Boag will be encouraging more creativity in wildlife photography, and then next Thursday 2nd December, our own evening features a talk by Jeremy Richards entitled “Chile, Middle to Bottom” We truly are spoilt as we approach the festive season. Our NRPS Website suggestion section is full of ideas for attending local events and practising our skills. Let’s hope the Glastonbury Frost Fair on Saturday 27th is not disrupted by snow !
Jenny Short 26.11.2021
There is a Gallery of images on panels associated with this article now online.
The Whats App Walks R Us group is up and running and next week on Wednesday 1st December we are meeting at Odd Down P and R at 12.30, weather permitting, to be guided by Suzanne and Pamela round canals and cemetary! Check it out .