Jill Tomabn "Needs a paint job "
Abstracts Galore !
Jill lands two firsts!
Our judge for the Abstract competition evening, Geoff Wood, made clear his thinking about the difficult genre in his introduction. He was clearly looking for pleasing images that used shape and form to good effect; images that filled an emotional void not a tick box of technique, and those that begged interpretation without words. We were left in no doubt that his main criterion was that the photo presented needed to provoke an initial emotional response in him. After that, he considered if what he saw was a distraction or merited further study. Geoff provided us with useful commentary, and well considered critique that will be helpful when we have another go, and supportive when we are out and about and something simply catches our eye, or tugs at the heartstrings in ways we cannot quite understand.
Jill Toman deservedly won both the Colour and the Mono sections with “New Paint Job needed” and “Nature’s Banding” and these clearly fitted the bill, but those placed were in hot pursuit featuring broken glass and glaciers, waves and water as well as the glow of autumn leaves, and one, which I personally loved, by Diana Walker, called “Rose Petals”.Geoff was warmly thanked for his hard work and well thought out comments on what we all know is a very tricky subject!
November Results: Colour
1st Jill Toman: New Paint Job Needed, 2ndTony Nineham :Redwood Waves, 3rd Janice Cuer:Water
Highly Commended: Suzanne Ladd: Tropical House, and Splash, Jane Richardson: Books, Commended: Diana Walker: Rose Petals. Pamela Bruce Lockhart: Subtle Strength, Graham Nicholls: Autumn Glow
1st Jill Toman: Nature’s Banding 2ndSuzanne Ladd : Lines and Circles, 3rdTony Nineham: Patterns on a Broken Mirror
Highly Commended: Jane Lewis: Glacier, Janice Cuer:Stained Glass, Jill Toman: Watery Waves, Commended: Pamela Bruce Lockhart: Storm Ahead, Jenny Short: Rise and Shine and Circles That You find.
Jenny Short 19.11.2021
Next Thursday I shall put together a presentation on action photography and would like to include photos from members who have had a go recently in any action context so......
Please by midday Wednesday send me up to FIVE images that are action centred and then add one that is same theme but in a panel of 3-6 images which can be different ones or the same as those submitted. Hopefully we will all be motivated to comment on each other's work during the evening. See you there
Send Janice your phone number to be included The idea is if any of us wants to go on a walk and fancies some company they put details on there and see if they get a response from anyone No need to respond if not going. Thinking we might do something next Wednesday from 1.30 ish but not sure yet so watch the space!
Jill Toman deservedly won both the Colour and the Mono sections with “New Paint Job needed” and “Nature’s Banding” and these clearly fitted the bill, but those placed were in hot pursuit featuring broken glass and glaciers, waves and water as well as the glow of autumn leaves, and one, which I personally loved, by Diana Walker, called “Rose Petals”.Geoff was warmly thanked for his hard work and well thought out comments on what we all know is a very tricky subject!
November Results: Colour
1st Jill Toman: New Paint Job Needed, 2ndTony Nineham :Redwood Waves, 3rd Janice Cuer:Water
Highly Commended: Suzanne Ladd: Tropical House, and Splash, Jane Richardson: Books, Commended: Diana Walker: Rose Petals. Pamela Bruce Lockhart: Subtle Strength, Graham Nicholls: Autumn Glow
1st Jill Toman: Nature’s Banding 2ndSuzanne Ladd : Lines and Circles, 3rdTony Nineham: Patterns on a Broken Mirror
Highly Commended: Jane Lewis: Glacier, Janice Cuer:Stained Glass, Jill Toman: Watery Waves, Commended: Pamela Bruce Lockhart: Storm Ahead, Jenny Short: Rise and Shine and Circles That You find.
Jenny Short 19.11.2021
Next Thursday I shall put together a presentation on action photography and would like to include photos from members who have had a go recently in any action context so......
Please by midday Wednesday send me up to FIVE images that are action centred and then add one that is same theme but in a panel of 3-6 images which can be different ones or the same as those submitted. Hopefully we will all be motivated to comment on each other's work during the evening. See you there
Send Janice your phone number to be included The idea is if any of us wants to go on a walk and fancies some company they put details on there and see if they get a response from anyone No need to respond if not going. Thinking we might do something next Wednesday from 1.30 ish but not sure yet so watch the space!