RECENT NEWS > Triptychs are getting better!
Traction Engine by Janice Cuer

Triptychs are getting better!

The standard of the triptych images produced by NRPS members has improved considerably in the past three years, as illustrated by entries into the November Triptych Competition. Judge Rob Heslop was meticulous in his preparation and presentation of his opinions, carefully viewing all images on two screens to ensure that the presentation did justice to the colours, and carefully choosing well- articulated comments to justify his choices. He provided useful feedback on technical, pictorial and compositional details, and even apologised before making a few inevitable assumptions, for which all judges are notorious!!

Limited to two entries in each of the Colour and Mono sections, some members were successful with both, and it was particularly good to see Janice Cuer take first place in the Colour section and Suzanne Ladd do the same in the Mono. It was also good to see that intentional camera movement is making the judge's cut these days!

Images are in an album for all to see, and the results were as follows:

Commended : “Norton Wassail” by Graham Nicholls, “Community Kitchen Amritsar” by Suzanne Ladd
Highly Commended: “Swan Lake” and “Swirls” both by Pamela Bruce Lockhart,
3rd place went to 3rd and 2nd places went to Jill Toman with "Lilac Breasted Roller" and "A Meal for a Cheetah" respectively and the winner was Janice Cuer with her “Traction Engine”.

Commended : “Lots of Pumpkins” by Christine Cilia-la-Corte, “ICM” by Janice Cuer
Highly Commended: Jill Toman “The Witch tree
3rd place went to Diana Walker “British Owls”, 2nd place to Janice Cuer with “Stanley”
and the winner was Suzanne Ladd with “Florence.”

Next week we have a presentation on Zoom by Brian Northmore entitled ”On Dartmoor” before we celebrate with a social gathering on 14th before the Christmas break

Jenny Short. 30.11.2023